The caps "Manchoises" of Arlette Legallais-Poidvin

At the time of the market dentellier of troyes the 5 and 6 October 2002, organized by "Dentelle en France", we met Mrs Arlette Legallais-Poidvin. Arlette has a great passion: she carries out historical search on the Caps of Pageantry Manchoises.

These caps appeared in 1830, evolves until 1850 and disappear completely in 1870. Before these caps, there were the bonnets round, after, the caps. The cap was the indentity card of the woman: by it, one could know his birthplace as well as the richness of the family.
The reinforcements which gave a quite precise form to the bottom of the cap manufactured in red copper wire then were attached on a support which covered the head: either small bonnet which covered the top of cranium, or half-henin which raised the form upwards.
The whole was covered with a preparing of cap made up of an embroidered Tulle bottom, a master key in half-moon and a pair of wings.

After these some explanations, places at the photographs:

We will start with the cap of Avranches (on the left); it is that which one calls the "butterfly of Avranches", it is of trapezoidal form. There was a different cap for each parish. On right-hand side, you see "Haute volante de Coutances", the top is made at the point of Beauvais and there is no ribbon.

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The butterfly of Avranches Haute volante de Coutances.

This "Treille de Quettehou" belonged to a very rich landowner. 7 meters of Valenciennes were needed to border the two wings. This lace of Valenciennes is not only long, but also broad: more than 7 centimeters! Tulle is very richly embroidered at the point of plumetis, bumblebee and inscrustation. The caps of Contentin have a ribbon in front of and back.

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The "Treille de Quettehou". Click HERE for the detail of the embroidery.



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