The catastrophe of Lunéville

In June 2001, I tell you, we return two years among in the Castle Stanislas of Lunéville. Normally, it was this year. Unfortunately, you undoubtedly heard it with the radio or seen on tv, an accidental fire was declared in this splendid building on January 2:

Here a small recall of what was this castle:

Extract and photographs of the "Lorraine Republican" of Friday January 3, 2003.

"an important fire was declared, yesterday at the end of the day, with the castle of Lunéville. Fire took on the higher floor of the right wing of the building. Some 25 vehicles of firemen were on the spot. There no was victim. Five barracks were mobilized to fight against the flames whereas a storm blew on the area...."

"... Built of 1703 to 1720, by Germain Boffrand, raises of Jules-Hardouin Mansart, it fur inhabited by the duke Léopold 1st before king Stanislas does not make his principal residence in 1737 of it. "Versailles Lorrain" then became the seat of a brilliant and cosmopolitan court, animated by a pléïade men and women of letters, scientists, artists and philosophers, whose Voltaire was without question the most beautiful ornament. In the the time of the first wars napoléoniennes, the castle was the witness of the talks which led to the peace of Lunéville, in 1801 and it remained, until 1939, the center of the riding city."
"Yesterday evening, fire was declared on the level of the vault, a pure jewel with the perfect lines, built on the model of those of the palias of Versailles.... The fire was then propagated with the museum, which sheltered priceless earthenware collections of Lunéville and Saint-Clément....."

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Right wing of the castle, it does not remain large any more thing. It is there that was held the exposure "Lace and Embroidery". Work to return its splendour to this castle will undoubtedly last a long time, but M the Minister for the Culture Jean-Jacques Aillagon began to return its gloss in Lunéville. Then, certainly with soon for the next exposure in this marvellous castle.

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If you wish to re-examine the report of June 2001, it is HERE.

Thanks with Marie to have send the newspaper to us.

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