The collection of Mr. Délézir

Mr. Délézir lives in old a XVII 2nd century old manor and can accomodate you (see the methods at the end of the report) to contemplate single and marvellous Courseullais inheritance.
I am sorry to be able to show you photographs, Mr. Délézir did not wish that I take some. I will present to you in outline some postcards of polychrome laces and metal laces.

I thus will be satisfied to tell you what I saw... and what you will be able to see whether you move:

On the first floor of the house, a piéce is reserved for lace.

Lace with gold wire and money wire:
You will be able to see there lace with gold wire and money wire on bottom of flax. The money and gold were very difficult to work, but to keep the lacemakers (the activity decreased), Courseullaise manufacture were always in search of innovation. This technique was an exclusiveness in Courseulles.

argent-or.jpg (25599 octets)

Chantilly ombrée:
Thus, in another register, the Robert brothers in Courseulles invented Chantilly ombrée (1865) as well as the reinforced point of raccroc. A châle of 2,75 m out of 1 m is now in Metropolitan Museum of Art of New York (you will be able to see a sample at Mr. Délézir). This châle obtained in 1889 a price, with the World Fair of Paris, for gracieuseté of the flowered basket.

Chantilly (time Napoleon III) and lacemakers of Courseulles:

In 1898, the French government offered to the impératrice Eugenie marvellous a scarf (3m X 0,80) of lace Chantilly Polychrome, carried out by girls of Courseulles, work of a rare perfection which made honor with the lacemakers who had carried out it. You will discover a sample of test of this work.
The achievements out of black lace that you will see are varied: mantilles at the points of Bayeux and Chantilly, leggings which one bent with the top of bottoms to decorate them....



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