The 53 annual IOLI convention

Lia Bauminster (Chantilly - Blonde) : Chantilly and Blonde are point ground laces worked with unboiled and boiled silk. Both laces can be worked in one colour or more. In Chantilly, the motif is always worked in half stitch. In Blonde lace motif is worked in cloth stitch and sometimes in half stitch.

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Lia Bauminster Detail Detail

Carolyne Régnier (Introduction to bobbin lace with copper wire ).Using wire for lace dates back to the 1500s when real gold and silver was used to decorate clothing. Students will learn the braiding, picots, and leaves that are the most commonly used techniques with copper wire. Only basic lace skills are needed.

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Carolyne Régnier L'index de Carolyn Un travail fini

Claudette Bouvot - Chantal Hermieux (Polychrome de Courseulles).Blonde de Courseulles is a French polychrome point ground made between 1897 and 1922. The lace was designed by and artist who blended coloured silk threads as an artist blends paints. Gold, silver or copper metal threads were also used. Students will learn techniques specific to this lace. Students must have a good working knowledge of point ground lace. Web site of Michel

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Claudette Bouvot Chantal Hermieux Detail

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