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The lace handkerchief. It evokes at the same moment the sharpness, the thoughtlessness, the beauty, the delicacy and so many other qualities which rent the skill, the taste of the lacemakers who invent and practise still this sophisticated art.
Among the objects which are a part of our daily life, it is one of it, very commonplace, whose custom goes back up to the Antiquity: it is about the handkerchief.
This indispensable accessory, in the multiple manners, accompanies us for more than 2000 years, under very different, simple or sophisticated forms.
Being lacemakers, we were attracted by handkerchiefs lined with lace.
From the appearance of this activity, the lace appears around handkerchiefs, réticella at the beginning then needle-point lace and lace in reels.

All the lace styles served for embellishing handkerchiefs, of the most common to the most sophisticated, but it is handkerchiefs surrounded with Valenciennes's lace that had our preference, on one hand because of their wealth, on the other hand because of our valenciennoises … … … … previous history..

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